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Dr Paul Whitcomb, Suicide and Fibromyalgia

December 27, 2012

Suicide and Fibromyalgia


  If you are considering suicide, you are not alone. Fibromyalgia sufferers have one of the highest suicide rates. Almost every Fibromyalgia patient we see thinks about it. If you have Fibromyalgia and are not thinking about it, you probably have a milder case. For most patients the fatigue, pain, and depression just wear them out. They may feel like life is not worth living. But please, don’t let something so easily corrected take your life. We have seen most of our Fibromyalgia patients overcome their MC. There’s abundant hope and every likely hood that with just a little effort you may get your life back again.

If you are a friend or relative of a Fibromyalgia sufferer, please consider this:  In moderate to severe cases, FMS will cause fatigue from sleep deprivation and sympathetic stimulation on a level totally unknown to the average person. A famous radio host once said, “All men are wimps if they don’t get their proper rest”. Fibromyalgia sufferers go way beyond this. Think of never having a rested morning, but waking every day feeling so exhausted you wonder if you can possibly live through the day with your energy this depleted. Now add to this overwhelming pain, panic attacks, inability to think clearly, and massive feelings of depression. So here we have a formula for suicide, even for one who is normally emotionally sound but who has been worn down by years of hopeless anguish. We recently had a patient who presented in a wheel chair, her body jerking involuntarily, crying and begging us to let her die. She had many times tried to kill herself and recently took one hundred and nine pain pills. One week after care began she was walking without her wheel chair and laughing. Taking this pressure off of the Meninges can create powerful results. If you have a clamp on your leg for years you may not believe you could ever be out of pain but if it is removed you could get relief. Why is it so difficult to believe this is different?

Most of these people tell us that death is a welcome thought, as opposed to a lifetime of relentless agony, but they’re restrained because they do not want to hurt their family. Here’s a precious life at stake that could well be saved by a friend or loved one’s understanding and sincere sympathy. Even without a remedy, simply the knowledge that there’s someone who understands can turn the tide. Those of us who are closest to these sufferers may have that privilege. The life of a loved one may be at stake.


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  1. Crystal permalink

    What if you’re in so much pain that you want to kill yourself and you go to the doctor and they blow you off just like every other doctor you’ve seen. When is it okay to finally give up?

    • Crystal
      We are seeing hundreds of patients get well each month. It is not an option to take you life when there is so much good work being done. I will write you by email and tell you more.

      Dr Whitcomb

    • Keri permalink

      Crystal, sweetie I’ve been there and I still am , my g.p don’t listen . I’ve tried suicide by overdose and I was told any time I felt that way to speak about it to stop it in it’s tracks, guess what? Nobody still listens ! One said to shut up about it or go and do it. I don’t even know how I’m still here? I’m 33 yrs but I feel like a forgotten little old lady waiting on death to arrive.

      • Hello…doubt this will be read as prolly a response to an old text, but i am 52… I’ve been diagnosed with fibromyalgia for 27 years….also some form of RA…immune issues-biologics have damaged me….now I have had damage done to my eyes and have severe hypertension due to the pain. I have tried suicide and chickened out last minute…. I want to ask my doctor for legal means adequate to deal with my pain….just for 5 years…I so get that there are time issues for effectiveness of drugs. But here’s the deal…I’ve run 2 multi-million dollar companies, build equestrian training centers, showed the best horses in the world earning a 4th ranking in the world and an all-American title…. Each pushing so hard I was told to resign or quit or my life would seriously be shortened…. So I sit in bed and trade stocks…constantly re-inventing myself to accommodate my disease. Well, it is too much…at end of rope…I just want 5 pIn free years to get back into my size 2 clothing…(I haven’t allowed myself to get bigger than 4-6). And see the world…see my son graduate with his masters…see the world…buy one last grand horse to watch someone else show it… Get my last boat and travel with it…then I quit…. I will no longer see the plastic surgeon as often as an aids patient…stop tanning…stop getting extensions in my hair..stop trying to hide my illness. I just want out! After all of these years obviously I’m in a no win no cure situation and I’m now losing by leaps and bounds per year…. It’s way past time….time to end it all…. But if I could just get some relief for a five year battle……if I could just……

      • I have trained Doctors in your area. If you send me your zip code can see who is close to you.

        Dr Whitcomb

      • I have trained Doctors in your area. If you send me your zip code can see who is close to you.

        Dr Whitcomb

      • I am so sorry for your pain. I suffered this myself and am completely recovered. I would like to help. You may call me at 530-307-2398. I think we can figure out a way.

        Dr Whitcomb

      • Christina Baldivino permalink

        I understand how you feel. I don’t even know where to begin.

  2. Dear dr paul,i was diagnosed with fibromyalgia some years ago now.but since accident at work my life has not been the same.i am in constant pain & on a lot of drugs.have beeen and still am suicidal on a daily basis and if i did not have my children i wouldnt be here now but i dont kno how much longer i can last.the benifit system is like the last nail in my coffin it just all gets worse,no-one understands or beleives it like wer hypocrondiacs.and i am one of the strongest people have lost all my a shell of someone i use to know.and wen i do look for help….all help costs money and theres no money in getting benifits.i cant even afford to ring my drs surgery let alone afford to go to the drs…..and for what to receive no help & feel like a one has the time nor care unless their getting wonder the suicides are high risk in fibromyalgians.for me to feel so suicidal then it can happen to anyone.i dont know the future or where to turn.sincerley,kat mccullough.

    • Crystal permalink

      Yes. What kat said. It gets to that point. I can’t afford all these treatments. Now I’m being told I have to get a spinal tap to check for ms. If I have ms, pretty sure I’m going to die anyway.

  3. Please don’t give up. You can’t undo that kind of thing. We are seeing people with MS, Fibromyalgia, Trigeminal Neuralgia and much more recover. Our Doctors test for free and this gives you a no risk chance to see if it will help you. If your pain gets much better with the test you will know you should respond to treatment.

    • Alice permalink

      I’m 24. A mother. And planning inwardly to end it all. No more can I watch my significant other cater to me as I lay on the couch day in and out. Good days becoming a faint memory. He works to support us financially and has now become my nursemaid. My child has a mom who can’t even play with him. Who finds feeding him so difficult that she dreads it (but I do it – let’s make that clear)
      I’m out of options. None of the usual medications helped at all. Pain killers don’t work. No one will give/approve me for stimulants so I can leave my couch.
      I’m not living a life and merely dragging everyone down with me. I’m 24. Not 94. Why did this happen.

      • Dear Alice

        Please do not do this. Contact me and I will get you to a Doctor to get you tested for free to see if you can be helped. We see people like you every week get help. My experience is that you will probably see most of your symptoms disappear with the test and if this happens you should respond very well to treatment.
        Call me at 530-307-2398

        Dr Whitcomb

    • linda m davis permalink

      Every day I want to end it all. You say the 1st treatment or diagnosis is free. I, like the others have expressed we have no money or insurance. My vision has also been affected. So , if we are diagnosed positive, how the heck will I follow up with treatments when I have no income or insurance?

  4. todd permalink

    I am in the midst of one of the worst flair ups I have had since diagnosed 7 years ago. I work 40 to 60hrs a week very physical job. I am at my end I cant stop working my family depends on me to provide. Being a male I sometimes wonder if it is harder for we are supposed to be strong. I have been always known as superman to my friends and family. Now I am feeling isolated as I can barely make it thru the day. I went thru all the Dr’s who didnt believe me or in the disease and still I am here breathing but feeling barely alive. The pain has been so bad for so long I honestly dont know how much longer I can deal with it. I am grateful for the dr I have now she really tries to give me at least some quality of life but I am tired of the pills and the way they make me feel but what is there to do? If I don’t take them well I have tried and let me tell you it makes crazy pain and doubles or triples it. So here I am searching for answers to why I went from being a man who was always regarded as smart, funny, and energetic to isolated and depleted energy supply from the constant pain and stress it brings. So for a man that is tired of being in pain what options is there. Atleast if I decide its not worth the fight anymore atleast I know financially my family will be taken care of I have made sure of that. I am not saying that is what I want I just want this all to go away and have my life back!!

    • Hi Todd

      I went through the same thing you are going through. I am sorry you are suffering so much. I will do my best to get you to a good Doctor and get you help. Our Doctors have been helping thousands of people get their lives back for years now.
      Call me at 530-307-2398 and I will find a Doctor for you.


      • Chloe UK permalink

        Hi. Please pick up the phone and call this man. He doesn’t know me, but I know him because of the help he gave my father. I believe at times that he too has felt as though he couldn’t go on, though too proud to ever tell me and my siblings. The only things keeping him going were his wife and us children. We live in England and my mother was so desperate, she contacted Dr Whitcomb, trusted his word and they got on a plane. Despite the extra toll the flight would take on my dad. I spoke to him via Skype, and the difference was incredible. He wasn’t ‘foggy’, he could raise both his arms above his head, and turn his head to the left and right, and above all, he was smiling. I urge the people who have replied to this thread, please phone, do not give up hope. Chloe, UK x
        Ps, thank you Doc, for helping my dad x

      • I don’t see a number Please have him call me at 530-307-2398

      • Trever Harper permalink

        Hi, my name is Trever. Everyone calls me Trev though, I am a man that has been recently diagnosed and have just no idea what to do. I am in severeeeee pain CONSTANTLY I am typing this at 3 am because I searched fibromyalgia and suicide. My doctor doesnt want to prescribe much for pain but I cant fucking take it. Honestly.

        What treatments do you keep mentioning? What is your PHD in? I just want something more for pain. I have had horrible health my whole life, but nothing, NOTHING, compares to this type of pain and no one understands that.

      • I will post some info for you that may help
        What is “Neuro-Matrix Dysfunction”?

        “Neuro-Matrix Dysfunction” is an encroachment on the covering of the spinal cord and brain. One of the subset of symptoms that we believe it creates is Fibromyalgia, others are RSD, Brachia Neuralgia, Trigeminal Neuralgia, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Restless Leg Syndrome, Unexplained Diffuse Pain, Depression, Chronic Fatigue, Anxiety, Failed Back Surgeries and so much more. Because of the Magnitude of the shear numbers we will spend more time on Fibromyalgia, but also on its manifestations. Let’s look at Fibromyalgia first.

        The name Fibromyalgia is in fact a misnomer. Originally it described fibrous deposits in the muscles, causing pain. The only truth to this is that some patients have muscle spasms so severe that they become fibrous. This adds to the problem, but has nothing to do with the cause of Fibromyalgia.
        In the past FMS patients have been called hypochondriacs, and many times were referred to psychiatrists. And it was not uncommon for sufferers to be institutionalized. Only recently has this disorder gained recognition as a condition that deserves attention. In general, patients are receiving more respect today and are believed when they say they have a problem. Yet still many are looked upon as drug addicts, or presumed to have a self-serving motive, when all they really need is someone to believe them and get them help.

        So Fibromyalgia is still a very poorly understood disorder. Typically diagnosed by the presence of eleven or more of eighteen specific “tender/trigger Points,” it is characterized by widespread pain and tenderness, and is frequently associated with nervousness, irritability, anxiety, fatigue, depression, and insomnia. In addition to this we often find chemical sensitivities, allergies, Restless Leg Syndrome, cold or burning hands and feet, and Irritable Bowel Syndrome. This is an abbreviated list, for the manifestations seem to be endless.
        Some authorities believe that 5-6% of the population in America has Fibromyalgia. That brings the total close to eighteen million sufferers. Women are far more likely to be diagnosed with the condition than men. This may be because they are built with smaller bones and therefore have smaller tolerances in the areas that cause Fibromyalgia. This leaves them much more susceptible. In addition they participate in all of the same sports and drive all of the same motor vehicles as men, and are subject to the same traumas. Logically, then, in any accident, they would be likely to experience more damage to the skeletal structure.

        Fibromyalgia is different from most diseases in that it takes away the individual’s ability to fight. After years of fatigue, depression, and pain—not being able to focus on anything but poor health and pain, and just trying to get through the day—the patient becomes discouraged and the spirit weakens. Family members, too, can become worn out with the disease and may abandon their stricken loved one. This is devastating to an already distraught victim of this insidious predator. Current research offers little hope and only brings more discouragement.

        Afflicted, abandoned, alone, these sufferers resign themselves to living with this new destructive life partner, often in dark bedrooms, separating themselves from others, to live out long, lonely days without rest or comfort. Some cannot endure this suffering and take their own lives.

        “Neuro-Matrix Dysfunction” Symptoms

        Symptoms may vary from person to person. They may be severe as in a severe case of Trigeminal Neuralgia, RSD or Fibromyalgia or be less severe in a milder case of Fibromyalgia, mild Facial pain, fatigue, tight necks and shoulders or IBS. Including the whole galaxy of symptoms would be impractical, because the nervous system controls the entire body and can affect all the systems. Here, then, is a partial list:

        Insomnia: Insomnia is particularly troubling in almost all Fibromyalgia patients. It becomes worse in relation to the degree of pressure on the Meninges. (See “Cause and Effects of Fibromyalgia.”) The anxiety, the pain, the overactive central nervous system, and adrenaline overproduction from triggering the sympathetic nervous system, makes sleep almost impossible.

        Fatigue: Fatigue naturally goes along with insomnia, but it is a level of fatigue that goes well beyond what would be expected with ordinary insomnia, and it has a much deeper impact.

        Emotional instability, depression, irritability, and nervousness: These Fibromyalgia symptoms are often the most difficult to deal with, since they affect the very core of the being and destroy joy and enthusiasm. Life becomes miserable for the sufferer as well as for those around him.

        Mild to severe body pain: This can vary from headaches; pressure at the base of the skull; neck pain; arm pain or numbness; torso pain; hip, thigh, and leg pain; or numbness and facial pains. Some of our patients have entire body pain. Often this will be worse in the morning and evening.

        Headaches. Usually there is pressure at the base of the skull, and there is sometimes associated pain in the occipital (back side of the skull) and upper cervical spine (neck). Many patients have severe, migraine-type headaches. FMS headaches may vary in location and intensity. We have seen almost every possible combination—unilateral, bilateral, facial, occipital, mild, severe, and sometimes accompanied with nausea and vomiting and even seizures.

        Irritable Bowel Syndrome: This is present in most sufferers, and is caused by the sympathetic nervous system firing constantly, preventing the parasympathetic nervous system from controlling digestion. The sympathetic nervous system is meant to help us run or fight in emergencies. Its constant firing increases adrenaline production and brings with it anxiety (a feeling of forthcoming destruction). The parasympathetic system works well when we are relaxed, and controls things like food digestion and relaxed bodily functions.

        Rashes: Some Fibromyalgia patients will develop rashes on their legs, arms, face, back, or other areas. They are common and almost always go away with the treatment.

        Trigeminal neuralgia: Observations suggest that the tugging on the trigeminal nerve as it exits through the Meninges can trigger this symptom. Trigeminal neuralgia is characterized by facial pain, often lancing—usually severe, though it can be mild. The patients we have seen with this condition usually respond well to treatment and immediately to our test.
        Calcium deposits under the skin: These are common, usually under pea size, but we have seen them much larger. They can be very painful and even cause bleeding with movement in rare cases.
        Communication problems: These are common Fibromyalgia symptoms, and generally suggest a severe case. Many of the patients we see who are this illness are unable to answer questions or keep on the subject. In severe cases will loose their speech.
        This lack of focus usually abates in the first two weeks of treatment.

        Anxiety: Anxiety is often one of the most severe problems. Many patients don’t even realize they have anxiety until it is pointed out. It is brought on by the sympathetic nervous system firing continuously. It will push the patient like amphetamines, even though he/she may be totally exhausted, and keep them active somewhat; but it is this anxiety that also prevents sleep and rest. Panic attacks—feelings of a need to protect oneself or to run away—are common. When anxiety disappears (usually around four weeks, our patients become very tired and restorative sleep follows. This is when we see leaps in their improvement.
        This can be an independent symptom of “NEURO-MATRIX DYSFUNCTION” or combined with Fibromyalgia symptoms.

        All of the glands of the body can be affected, i.e.: the pituitary, the thyroid, the adrenals, the reproductive glands, the pancreas, etc. These glands malfunctioning can create a host of physical problems as well as mental and emotional problems. This is why balancing hormones give a person a boost.

        RSD or CRPS (Complex regional pain syndrome): This is until now, a complex misunderstood problem associated with an accident or a surgery. After the event the body part involved will continue to display pain and often cause circulatory problems as well. The pain can be excruciating. This is why a surgery may appear to have failed, but in reality, is a “Neuro-Matrix Dysfunction” caused by the surgery itself or possibly increased by the surgery.

        Chapter 3

        The “The “Neuro-Matrix Dysfunction Test” A Test for Fibromyalgia, RSD, Trigeminal Neuralgia, and unexplained diffuse pain.

        The advancement in the test for “Neuro-Matrix Dysfunction” will definitely change the way Fibromyalgia, RSD, Trigeminal Neuralgia, and unexplained diffuse pain is looked at forever. For the first time we can show where Fibromyalgia, RSD, Trigeminal Neuralgia comes from with a simple test. Not only this, but we can usually alleviate most to all of the patients symptoms in five to ten minutes with this test. The test is not only diagnostic but also prognostic. Those we are able to receive relief from their symptoms with the test, will almost always respond to treatment. The relief that comes from the testing is usually profound and lasts from minutes to days. We would like to say more about the dramatic changes that we see with the test but it would sound like we were making it up. For those of you who are interested you can go to and see sufferers who are tested at our seminars first hand. The test is not perfect, like anything, but for those who have “NEURO-MATRIX DYSFUNCTION” it almost always gives them relief in minutes. We are now usually able to temporarily remove the pulling of the Meninges, partially in minutes, relieving many of the symptoms of Fibromyalgia, RSD, Trigeminal Neuralgia, failed back surgeries and in rarer cases hearing loss visual problems, and severe knee problems. We believe relieving the symptoms proves this is where the problem originates and finally solves the mystery of suffering. If we can relieve the patient’s symptoms we can make a positive diagnosis of “Neuro-Matrix Dysfunction”. If we can make this positive diagnosis, we can usually alleviate the symptoms with treatment. As a disclaimer concerning some of these diseases: we realize that there may be other causes of diseases like RH, strokes, hearing problems and blindness, but with some of these cases it appears that the disease causes a “Neuro-Matrix Dysfunction” through a channel of intensity or trauma to the body from the condition, thus causing a “Neuro-Matrix Dysfunction” and increasing the symptoms of the condition significantly.

        We are now teaching this test in the U.S. and many other countries around the world. We would like to describe the test here in more detail but it is impossible to explain without advance knowledge of anatomy and years of experience with palpation.

        Cause and Effects of “Neuro-Matrix Dysfunction”

        A pulling on the Meninges by way of encroachment or twisting appears to cause “NEURO-MATRIX DYSFUNCTION”. This intrusion could indicate a tumor or other malformation, but we find that it is most often due to a change in the Cervical spine that cause this encroachment, which can reduce or distort the space through which the spinal cord and Meninges must traverse.
        Any tugging on the Meninges (remember the Meninges attaches to the spinal nerve roots, the brain, the spine and the cranial nerves) can have devastating effects on this critical and sensitive nerve action, which in turn can produce a galaxy of undesirable symptoms.

        The Meninges are the three membranes that envelop the brain and spinal cord: the dura mater, pia mater, and arachnoid. This strong bag-like envelope holds the cerebrospinal fluid, which brings nutrition and healing to the brain and spinal cord. It is attached to all of the nerves that pass through it.

        Nerve roots are extensions of the spinal cord that turn and exit between each vertebra, sending and receiving impulses that control virtually the entire body, even the smallest parts. Since these nerves pass through the Meninges, naturally it follows that every bodily system can be affected by the pulling of the Meninges. These nerve roots also extend fibers to the brain, which transmit impulses that are then received as pain, burning, itching, hot, cold, tingling, or numbness, as well as other parasthesias (that is, odd feelings).

        The pulling and irritation of these nerve roots cause nerve fibers to fire maverick impulses to the brain. The brain interprets these fired impulses as pain, itching, burning, coldness, numbness, or other odd feelings. The body, in response to stimuli from irritation, will often twitch or spasm, thus prompting the restless leg syndrome, muscle tightness, and spasms often experienced by Fibromyalgia patients. In more severe cases, the patient will lose the use of one or more of the limbs. Spasms may cause an arm to curl on the chest or oblige the patient to walk on the toes of one foot, or limp.

        We have also seen some who have had one-sided pain. Interestingly, this condition usually abates more rapidly. If Fibromyalgia were a systemic disease or an allergic reaction or a combination of stress, toxins, and trauma like many are saying, it couldn’t affect just one side of the body, but pulling on the Meninges could.

        Typically “Neuro-Matrix Dysfunction” irritates the nerve roots. When it hits levels that are diagnosed as Fibromyalgia, nerve impulses bombard the sufferer’s brain, overwhelming the autonomic and sensory pathways, keeping them in pain, awake at night, fatigued, and depressed.

        The variations of “Neuro-Matrix Dysfunction” are as complex as the nervous system itself.

        Nerve roots also carry impulses from the brain to the body, most of which tell the muscles to work on command. But in this case, because the nerves fire without legitimate cause, the muscles contract when they are supposed to be at rest. After years of contraction the muscles form scar tissue (resulting from the constant buildup of waste products from the metabolic process and the lack of blood flow in the contracted muscles).

        And thus we have the name for Fibromyalgia–fibros indicates scar-tissue-type deposits, myo means muscle, and algia means pain. We have called this a misnomer, since you can readily see that we’re looking at a result rather than a cause. But the name helped all of us as practitioners to look more closely at Fibromyalgia, identify it, and study it more carefully. A more accurate term would be “Neuro-Matrix Dysfunction” –an encroachment on the spinal cord structures in the neck involving a Meningeal tug or pulling created by Stenosis (narrowing or stricture of a duct or canal) by way of vertebral malalighnment.

        The results can be devastating. Try to imagine impulses from all over the body firing at one time, muscles contracting without cause, and the brain receiving impulses that you are in pain. Maybe you itch, or have burning or cold hands or feet. . We have had cases where the patient’s arms would wave involuntarily while lying in bed. One little girl had a flapping arm. These cases recovered fully.

        But even worse, the sympathetic nervous system fires nonstop. This is the system that is involved when you think you are alone in a dark house and someone startles you. It is meant to help you run or fight in survival situations. When it is firing indiscriminately, the result is constant anxiety, and maybe panic attacks. This constant firing also causes adrenal fatigue. Sleep becomes difficult or impossible.

        Let’s pause here for a moment to take a closer look at the Autonomic Nervous System, to better understand what is happening. The ANS includes two subsystems: the Parasympathetic Nervous System and the Sympathetic Nervous System. The PNS has sometimes been called the “rest and digest” response. The PNS slows and relaxes many functions of the organs and body systems. For example, the PNS will dilate blood vessels to the GI tract, while slowing the heartbeat and decreasing the force of the heart’s contractions. These effects help to lower the metabolic strain on the body, resulting in energy conservation. The PNS can divert blood back to the skin and the gastrointestinal tract. And the increased blood flow to the GI tract aids digestion.

        The Sympathetic Nervous System is frequently referred to as the “fight or flight” system, as it has a strong effect on organs and physiological systems. For example, the SNS constricts blood vessels feeding blood to the GI tract and skin, while dilating skeletal muscle and lung blood vessels. Bronchioles also dilate, allowing more oxygen to be exchanged in the lungs. At the same time, the SNS increases heart rate and contractility of the heart. This vastly increases blood flow to the skeletal muscles and diverts blood away from organs such as the GI tract, which are not important during the “fight or flight” response.

        The sympathetic and the parasympathetic nervous systems cannot be active at the same time. Therefore an active SNS shuts down the PNS and the actions associated with it, like sleep and digestion. And now we have another complication. Since normally the parasympathetic nervous system operates during rest or relaxation, when the “fight or flight” response is in motion the parasympathetic nervous system yields to the operation of the SNS. This accounts for insomnia and irritable bowel syndrome. At this point we have a volatile situation.

        Now let’s talk about the cranial nerves. They also pass through the Meninges and are therefore affected; they can fire without proper control as well. This can cause changes in the function of the cranial nerves and affect hearing, vision, facial muscle function, smell taste, and anything that is controlled by the cranial nerves.

        Pulling on the Meninges causes nerves to fire garbage impulses. The huge amounts of garbage information from the sensory nervous system overwhelms the brain, and the “domino effect” brings about nervousness, depression, fatigue, insomnia, pain, bowel dysfunction, anxiety, irritability, and sensitivity to light. Often the sufferer will want to sit in a quiet room to try to stop some of the damaging input. Rarely will you see these victims listening to loud music or looking forward to a party.

        This is what Meningeal pulling can do. Yet with appropriate treatment we have seen the vision cleared, speech returned, and sense of smell regained. Some who said it sounded like they were under water have even had their hearing return. One woman who could only sit and cry with facial pain had relief within three weeks of treatment. These reports seem impossible. They also seem impossible to us, but seeing these things daily bring the impossible to life.

        • The advancement in the test for “Neuro-Matrix Dysfunction” will definitely change the way Fibromyalgia, RSD, Trigeminal Neuralgia, and unexplained diffuse pain is looked at forever. For the first time we can show where Fibromyalgia, RSD, Trigeminal Neuralgia comes from with a simple test. Not only this, but we can usually alleviate most to all of the patients symptoms in five to ten minutes with this test. The test is not only diagnostic but also prognostic. Those we are able to receive relief from their symptoms with the test, will almost always respond to treatment. The relief that comes from the testing is usually profound and lasts from minutes to days. We would like to say more about the dramatic changes that we see with the test but it would sound like we were making it up. For those of you who are interested you can go to and see sufferers who are tested at our seminars first hand. The test is not perfect, like anything, but for those who have “NEURO-MATRIX DYSFUNCTION” it almost always gives them relief in minutes. We are now usually able to temporarily remove the pulling of the Meninges, partially in minutes, relieving many of the symptoms of Fibromyalgia, RSD, Trigeminal Neuralgia, failed back surgeries and in rarer cases hearing loss visual problems, and severe knee problems. We believe relieving the symptoms proves this is where the problem originates and finally solves the mystery of suffering. If we can relieve the patient’s symptoms we can make a positive diagnosis of “Neuro-Matrix Dysfunction”. If we can make this positive diagnosis, we can usually alleviate the symptoms with treatment. As a disclaimer concerning some of these diseases: we realize that there may be other causes of diseases like RH, strokes, hearing problems and blindness, but with some of these cases it appears that the disease causes a “Neuro-Matrix Dysfunction” through a channel of intensity or trauma to the body from the condition, thus causing a “Neuro-Matrix Dysfunction” and increasing the symptoms of the condition significantly.

        • We are now teaching this test in the U.S. and many other countries around the world. We would like to describe the test here in more detail but it is impossible to explain without advance knowledge of anatomy and years of experience with palpation.

        • If you would like more information call 949-328-4980
        Why “Neuro-Matrix Dysfunction” and its Subset of Diseases Often Start with Trauma, Surgery, Stress, and Genetic Predisposition

        We believe the explanation is quite simple. The delicate relationship between the foramen magnum and the cervical spine is very often impacted by injuries involving the neck. The spinal cord and its covering, the Meninges, traverse gently through these structures with little room for error. In true “Neuro-Matrix Dysfunction”, as we have seen, the boney structures are displaced in such a fashion that it causes a pulling on the Meninges, affecting many of the spinal nerve roots that are attached to it. So trauma must inevitably be implicated as a starting place for this condition. We may have physical trauma, surgery, or even mental trauma involved, as well as genetic predisposition.

        1. Physical Trauma
        The Number One cause of “Neuro-Matrix Dysfunction” is trauma caused by auto accidents. So many people are left with Fibromyalgia—mild or severe—after auto accidents, that there can be little question of the connection.
        Foreman and Croft, in their book, “Acceleration / Deceleration of the Cervical Spine,” describe the effect of whiplash on the neck. We learn that a head, that weighs 10-14 pounds, can reach a pulling weight of 100-140 pounds in a 15 mph rear-end accident. If you happen to be rear ended by a semi truck going 5 mph this can be equal to being hit by a Volkswagen going 50 mph. If a car or truck is traveling at 35 or 50 mph, the pressure pulling back on your head and neck is as if you were on your back and someone dropped a 300 lb. weight attached to your neck by a strap. This impact only lasts for a fraction of a second, but 300 lbs. can do a lot of damage. This is precisely what happens in an auto collision; the head is thrown back and forth like this two or three times, snapping the neck severely, nearly always causing some irreversible damage that leads to long-term degeneration and in many cases leaves the victim with “NEURO-MATRIX DYSFUNCTION”.
        Now if we think of the head, heavy as it is, thrashing severely on the little bones of the neck, it is no wonder its normal resting position can be changed. This change produces a pulling on the Meninges—which we have seen attaches to the spinal nerve roots—triggering the misfiring of nerve signals that activate the condition we call ““Neuro-Matrix Dysfunction””.
        Since the cause of “Neuro-Matrix Dysfunction” has not been understood, the association with spinal stenosis created by subluxations (also misunderstood) and Meningeal pulling, has been overlooked. Yet our experience suggests that this is a very common cause of “Neuro-Matrix Dysfunction”. Since this underlying cause was not recognized during our schooling, the corrective techniques we are taught actually intensify the Subluxation, making “Neuro-Matrix Dysfunction” worse.
        Most Fibromyalgia and RSD patients can remember a trauma or surgery close to the initiation of their symptoms, though some may not. This is usually a car accident or a blow to the head. For example, we have treated injuries of prisoners of war in Vietnam who were hit in the neck with rifle butts; diving injuries in pools; auto accidents; falls; fights; surgeries; childbirth; etc. Other causes include injuries to the neck by way of hitting or whipping the head or neck.
        One patient who came to us with a severe case of Fibromyalgia was injured when he slammed on his brakes on the ice to keep from hitting a bus. He avoided a collision, but did hit dry pavement, which snapped his neck—without hitting the steering wheel—and from that time on suffered with Fibromyalgia until treated in our facility. There was no contact with the head and he was only traveling 25 mph.
        We are relatively fragile creatures who were not made to do some of the things we do, and eighteen million (estimate of Fibromyalgia suffers accepted by many) Americans will no doubt agree with us. Not to mention the one million two hundred thousand RSD patients and the countless failed surgery patients who didn’t have failed surgeries at all but have on going cycling pain from the insult to the neck during surgery.

        2. Surgery
        We have a good friend who is an anesthesiologist; and after having so many patients claiming their symptoms began after surgery, we sat down and did our best to discover what was happening that could be causing Fibromyalgia during or after surgery. He had no idea how it could be occurring. He told us of the great care and consideration that was taken in the surgical room by almost all of the people he knew. He explained how they supported the neck with foam supports, or sometimes an IV bag, and how gentle they were with the patients. Yet we have had many patients tell us they came out of surgery screaming in severe pain that never let up until treated in our office.
        This area needs much more research, which possibly may most effectively be done by a coordinated effort of chiropractors and anesthesiologists. But our initial thought was that when you sleep you have muscle tone, and if you are uncomfortable you roll over or move to adjust your position to relieve the pressure. When you are under anesthesia your muscles have no tone; they are flaccid with no control at all, and you can’t move if you need to. During this time we believe the neck vertebrae are compromised, literally pushing up against the Meninges. Whatever the cause may prove to be, we have seen too many cases of Fibromyalgia and RSD initiated or increased by surgery to be ignored—probably 40% of the patients we see.
        3. Mental Stress
        The connection between mental stress and spinal stenosis secondary to cervical alignment might seem to be a stretch, but we have had many people tell us that their Fibromyalgia started immediately after the death of a loved one, mental abuse, a divorce, or a variety of other stressful conditions. And having recognized the intimate relationship between cervical problems and FMS, it is fair to consider that stress can also be a factor. Though we are not exactly sure how this sort of movement can be caused by stress, we now believe it is. Our presumption is that since stress causes muscle tightness, it can ultimately bring about a shift in alignment. As you would expect, stress control is a very important part of our treatment protocol.

        4. Genetic Predisposition
        One more factor we must consider is genetic predisposition. Our primary focus on spinal stenosis and trauma seemed to preclude a relationship with genetic disposition. But our stance on this has changed after seeing far too many families with multiple Fibromyalgia sufferers. At present there seems to be a genetic weakness that allows certain families to develop FMS more easily than others. We believe it is likely due to the hereditary size and formation of the bones. We had a patient who had thirteen family members with Fibromyalgia. Much more research on this issue is needed.

      • Maybe this will help Trev

        What is “Neuro-Matrix Dysfunction”?

        “Neuro-Matrix Dysfunction” is an encroachment on the covering of the spinal cord and brain. One of the subset of symptoms that we believe it creates is Fibromyalgia, others are RSD, Brachia Neuralgia, Trigeminal Neuralgia, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Restless Leg Syndrome, Unexplained Diffuse Pain, Depression, Chronic Fatigue, Anxiety, Failed Back Surgeries and so much more. Because of the Magnitude of the shear numbers we will spend more time on Fibromyalgia, but also on its manifestations. Let’s look at Fibromyalgia first.

        The name Fibromyalgia is in fact a misnomer. Originally it described fibrous deposits in the muscles, causing pain. The only truth to this is that some patients have muscle spasms so severe that they become fibrous. This adds to the problem, but has nothing to do with the cause of Fibromyalgia.
        In the past FMS patients have been called hypochondriacs, and many times were referred to psychiatrists. And it was not uncommon for sufferers to be institutionalized. Only recently has this disorder gained recognition as a condition that deserves attention. In general, patients are receiving more respect today and are believed when they say they have a problem. Yet still many are looked upon as drug addicts, or presumed to have a self-serving motive, when all they really need is someone to believe them and get them help.

        So Fibromyalgia is still a very poorly understood disorder. Typically diagnosed by the presence of eleven or more of eighteen specific “tender/trigger Points,” it is characterized by widespread pain and tenderness, and is frequently associated with nervousness, irritability, anxiety, fatigue, depression, and insomnia. In addition to this we often find chemical sensitivities, allergies, Restless Leg Syndrome, cold or burning hands and feet, and Irritable Bowel Syndrome. This is an abbreviated list, for the manifestations seem to be endless.
        Some authorities believe that 5-6% of the population in America has Fibromyalgia. That brings the total close to eighteen million sufferers. Women are far more likely to be diagnosed with the condition than men. This may be because they are built with smaller bones and therefore have smaller tolerances in the areas that cause Fibromyalgia. This leaves them much more susceptible. In addition they participate in all of the same sports and drive all of the same motor vehicles as men, and are subject to the same traumas. Logically, then, in any accident, they would be likely to experience more damage to the skeletal structure.

        Fibromyalgia is different from most diseases in that it takes away the individual’s ability to fight. After years of fatigue, depression, and pain—not being able to focus on anything but poor health and pain, and just trying to get through the day—the patient becomes discouraged and the spirit weakens. Family members, too, can become worn out with the disease and may abandon their stricken loved one. This is devastating to an already distraught victim of this insidious predator. Current research offers little hope and only brings more discouragement.

        Afflicted, abandoned, alone, these sufferers resign themselves to living with this new destructive life partner, often in dark bedrooms, separating themselves from others, to live out long, lonely days without rest or comfort. Some cannot endure this suffering and take their own lives.

        “Neuro-Matrix Dysfunction” Symptoms

        Symptoms may vary from person to person. They may be severe as in a severe case of Trigeminal Neuralgia, RSD or Fibromyalgia or be less severe in a milder case of Fibromyalgia, mild Facial pain, fatigue, tight necks and shoulders or IBS. Including the whole galaxy of symptoms would be impractical, because the nervous system controls the entire body and can affect all the systems. Here, then, is a partial list:

        Insomnia: Insomnia is particularly troubling in almost all Fibromyalgia patients. It becomes worse in relation to the degree of pressure on the Meninges. (See “Cause and Effects of Fibromyalgia.”) The anxiety, the pain, the overactive central nervous system, and adrenaline overproduction from triggering the sympathetic nervous system, makes sleep almost impossible.

        Fatigue: Fatigue naturally goes along with insomnia, but it is a level of fatigue that goes well beyond what would be expected with ordinary insomnia, and it has a much deeper impact.

        Emotional instability, depression, irritability, and nervousness: These Fibromyalgia symptoms are often the most difficult to deal with, since they affect the very core of the being and destroy joy and enthusiasm. Life becomes miserable for the sufferer as well as for those around him.

        Mild to severe body pain: This can vary from headaches; pressure at the base of the skull; neck pain; arm pain or numbness; torso pain; hip, thigh, and leg pain; or numbness and facial pains. Some of our patients have entire body pain. Often this will be worse in the morning and evening.

        Headaches. Usually there is pressure at the base of the skull, and there is sometimes associated pain in the occipital (back side of the skull) and upper cervical spine (neck). Many patients have severe, migraine-type headaches. FMS headaches may vary in location and intensity. We have seen almost every possible combination—unilateral, bilateral, facial, occipital, mild, severe, and sometimes accompanied with nausea and vomiting and even seizures.

        Irritable Bowel Syndrome: This is present in most sufferers, and is caused by the sympathetic nervous system firing constantly, preventing the parasympathetic nervous system from controlling digestion. The sympathetic nervous system is meant to help us run or fight in emergencies. Its constant firing increases adrenaline production and brings with it anxiety (a feeling of forthcoming destruction). The parasympathetic system works well when we are relaxed, and controls things like food digestion and relaxed bodily functions.

        Rashes: Some Fibromyalgia patients will develop rashes on their legs, arms, face, back, or other areas. They are common and almost always go away with the treatment.

        Trigeminal neuralgia: Observations suggest that the tugging on the trigeminal nerve as it exits through the Meninges can trigger this symptom. Trigeminal neuralgia is characterized by facial pain, often lancing—usually severe, though it can be mild. The patients we have seen with this condition usually respond well to treatment and immediately to our test.
        Calcium deposits under the skin: These are common, usually under pea size, but we have seen them much larger. They can be very painful and even cause bleeding with movement in rare cases.
        Communication problems: These are common Fibromyalgia symptoms, and generally suggest a severe case. Many of the patients we see who are this illness are unable to answer questions or keep on the subject. In severe cases will loose their speech.
        This lack of focus usually abates in the first two weeks of treatment.

        Anxiety: Anxiety is often one of the most severe problems. Many patients don’t even realize they have anxiety until it is pointed out. It is brought on by the sympathetic nervous system firing continuously. It will push the patient like amphetamines, even though he/she may be totally exhausted, and keep them active somewhat; but it is this anxiety that also prevents sleep and rest. Panic attacks—feelings of a need to protect oneself or to run away—are common. When anxiety disappears (usually around four weeks, our patients become very tired and restorative sleep follows. This is when we see leaps in their improvement.
        This can be an independent symptom of “NEURO-MATRIX DYSFUNCTION” or combined with Fibromyalgia symptoms.

        All of the glands of the body can be affected, i.e.: the pituitary, the thyroid, the adrenals, the reproductive glands, the pancreas, etc. These glands malfunctioning can create a host of physical problems as well as mental and emotional problems. This is why balancing hormones give a person a boost.

        RSD or CRPS (Complex regional pain syndrome): This is until now, a complex misunderstood problem associated with an accident or a surgery. After the event the body part involved will continue to display pain and often cause circulatory problems as well. The pain can be excruciating. This is why a surgery may appear to have failed, but in reality, is a “Neuro-Matrix Dysfunction” caused by the surgery itself or possibly increased by the surgery.

        Chapter 3

        The “The “Neuro-Matrix Dysfunction Test” A Test for Fibromyalgia, RSD, Trigeminal Neuralgia, and unexplained diffuse pain.

        The advancement in the test for “Neuro-Matrix Dysfunction” will definitely change the way Fibromyalgia, RSD, Trigeminal Neuralgia, and unexplained diffuse pain is looked at forever. For the first time we can show where Fibromyalgia, RSD, Trigeminal Neuralgia comes from with a simple test. Not only this, but we can usually alleviate most to all of the patients symptoms in five to ten minutes with this test. The test is not only diagnostic but also prognostic. Those we are able to receive relief from their symptoms with the test, will almost always respond to treatment. The relief that comes from the testing is usually profound and lasts from minutes to days. We would like to say more about the dramatic changes that we see with the test but it would sound like we were making it up. For those of you who are interested you can go to and see sufferers who are tested at our seminars first hand. The test is not perfect, like anything, but for those who have “NEURO-MATRIX DYSFUNCTION” it almost always gives them relief in minutes. We are now usually able to temporarily remove the pulling of the Meninges, partially in minutes, relieving many of the symptoms of Fibromyalgia, RSD, Trigeminal Neuralgia, failed back surgeries and in rarer cases hearing loss visual problems, and severe knee problems. We believe relieving the symptoms proves this is where the problem originates and finally solves the mystery of suffering. If we can relieve the patient’s symptoms we can make a positive diagnosis of “Neuro-Matrix Dysfunction”. If we can make this positive diagnosis, we can usually alleviate the symptoms with treatment. As a disclaimer concerning some of these diseases: we realize that there may be other causes of diseases like RH, strokes, hearing problems and blindness, but with some of these cases it appears that the disease causes a “Neuro-Matrix Dysfunction” through a channel of intensity or trauma to the body from the condition, thus causing a “Neuro-Matrix Dysfunction” and increasing the symptoms of the condition significantly.

        We are now teaching this test in the U.S. and many other countries around the world. We would like to describe the test here in more detail but it is impossible to explain without advance knowledge of anatomy and years of experience with palpation.

        Cause and Effects of “Neuro-Matrix Dysfunction”

        A pulling on the Meninges by way of encroachment or twisting appears to cause “NEURO-MATRIX DYSFUNCTION”. This intrusion could indicate a tumor or other malformation, but we find that it is most often due to a change in the Cervical spine that cause this encroachment, which can reduce or distort the space through which the spinal cord and Meninges must traverse.
        Any tugging on the Meninges (remember the Meninges attaches to the spinal nerve roots, the brain, the spine and the cranial nerves) can have devastating effects on this critical and sensitive nerve action, which in turn can produce a galaxy of undesirable symptoms.

        The Meninges are the three membranes that envelop the brain and spinal cord: the dura mater, pia mater, and arachnoid. This strong bag-like envelope holds the cerebrospinal fluid, which brings nutrition and healing to the brain and spinal cord. It is attached to all of the nerves that pass through it.

        Nerve roots are extensions of the spinal cord that turn and exit between each vertebra, sending and receiving impulses that control virtually the entire body, even the smallest parts. Since these nerves pass through the Meninges, naturally it follows that every bodily system can be affected by the pulling of the Meninges. These nerve roots also extend fibers to the brain, which transmit impulses that are then received as pain, burning, itching, hot, cold, tingling, or numbness, as well as other parasthesias (that is, odd feelings).

        The pulling and irritation of these nerve roots cause nerve fibers to fire maverick impulses to the brain. The brain interprets these fired impulses as pain, itching, burning, coldness, numbness, or other odd feelings. The body, in response to stimuli from irritation, will often twitch or spasm, thus prompting the restless leg syndrome, muscle tightness, and spasms often experienced by Fibromyalgia patients. In more severe cases, the patient will lose the use of one or more of the limbs. Spasms may cause an arm to curl on the chest or oblige the patient to walk on the toes of one foot, or limp.

        We have also seen some who have had one-sided pain. Interestingly, this condition usually abates more rapidly. If Fibromyalgia were a systemic disease or an allergic reaction or a combination of stress, toxins, and trauma like many are saying, it couldn’t affect just one side of the body, but pulling on the Meninges could.

        Typically “Neuro-Matrix Dysfunction” irritates the nerve roots. When it hits levels that are diagnosed as Fibromyalgia, nerve impulses bombard the sufferer’s brain, overwhelming the autonomic and sensory pathways, keeping them in pain, awake at night, fatigued, and depressed.

        The variations of “Neuro-Matrix Dysfunction” are as complex as the nervous system itself.

        Nerve roots also carry impulses from the brain to the body, most of which tell the muscles to work on command. But in this case, because the nerves fire without legitimate cause, the muscles contract when they are supposed to be at rest. After years of contraction the muscles form scar tissue (resulting from the constant buildup of waste products from the metabolic process and the lack of blood flow in the contracted muscles).

        And thus we have the name for Fibromyalgia–fibros indicates scar-tissue-type deposits, myo means muscle, and algia means pain. We have called this a misnomer, since you can readily see that we’re looking at a result rather than a cause. But the name helped all of us as practitioners to look more closely at Fibromyalgia, identify it, and study it more carefully. A more accurate term would be “Neuro-Matrix Dysfunction” –an encroachment on the spinal cord structures in the neck involving a Meningeal tug or pulling created by Stenosis (narrowing or stricture of a duct or canal) by way of vertebral malalighnment.

        The results can be devastating. Try to imagine impulses from all over the body firing at one time, muscles contracting without cause, and the brain receiving impulses that you are in pain. Maybe you itch, or have burning or cold hands or feet. . We have had cases where the patient’s arms would wave involuntarily while lying in bed. One little girl had a flapping arm. These cases recovered fully.

        But even worse, the sympathetic nervous system fires nonstop. This is the system that is involved when you think you are alone in a dark house and someone startles you. It is meant to help you run or fight in survival situations. When it is firing indiscriminately, the result is constant anxiety, and maybe panic attacks. This constant firing also causes adrenal fatigue. Sleep becomes difficult or impossible.

        Let’s pause here for a moment to take a closer look at the Autonomic Nervous System, to better understand what is happening. The ANS includes two subsystems: the Parasympathetic Nervous System and the Sympathetic Nervous System. The PNS has sometimes been called the “rest and digest” response. The PNS slows and relaxes many functions of the organs and body systems. For example, the PNS will dilate blood vessels to the GI tract, while slowing the heartbeat and decreasing the force of the heart’s contractions. These effects help to lower the metabolic strain on the body, resulting in energy conservation. The PNS can divert blood back to the skin and the gastrointestinal tract. And the increased blood flow to the GI tract aids digestion.

        The Sympathetic Nervous System is frequently referred to as the “fight or flight” system, as it has a strong effect on organs and physiological systems. For example, the SNS constricts blood vessels feeding blood to the GI tract and skin, while dilating skeletal muscle and lung blood vessels. Bronchioles also dilate, allowing more oxygen to be exchanged in the lungs. At the same time, the SNS increases heart rate and contractility of the heart. This vastly increases blood flow to the skeletal muscles and diverts blood away from organs such as the GI tract, which are not important during the “fight or flight” response.

        The sympathetic and the parasympathetic nervous systems cannot be active at the same time. Therefore an active SNS shuts down the PNS and the actions associated with it, like sleep and digestion. And now we have another complication. Since normally the parasympathetic nervous system operates during rest or relaxation, when the “fight or flight” response is in motion the parasympathetic nervous system yields to the operation of the SNS. This accounts for insomnia and irritable bowel syndrome. At this point we have a volatile situation.

        Now let’s talk about the cranial nerves. They also pass through the Meninges and are therefore affected; they can fire without proper control as well. This can cause changes in the function of the cranial nerves and affect hearing, vision, facial muscle function, smell taste, and anything that is controlled by the cranial nerves.

        Pulling on the Meninges causes nerves to fire garbage impulses. The huge amounts of garbage information from the sensory nervous system overwhelms the brain, and the “domino effect” brings about nervousness, depression, fatigue, insomnia, pain, bowel dysfunction, anxiety, irritability, and sensitivity to light. Often the sufferer will want to sit in a quiet room to try to stop some of the damaging input. Rarely will you see these victims listening to loud music or looking forward to a party.

        This is what Meningeal pulling can do. Yet with appropriate treatment we have seen the vision cleared, speech returned, and sense of smell regained. Some who said it sounded like they were under water have even had their hearing return. One woman who could only sit and cry with facial pain had relief within three weeks of treatment. These reports seem impossible. They also seem impossible to us, but seeing these things daily bring the impossible to life.

        • The advancement in the test for “Neuro-Matrix Dysfunction” will definitely change the way Fibromyalgia, RSD, Trigeminal Neuralgia, and unexplained diffuse pain is looked at forever. For the first time we can show where Fibromyalgia, RSD, Trigeminal Neuralgia comes from with a simple test. Not only this, but we can usually alleviate most to all of the patients symptoms in five to ten minutes with this test. The test is not only diagnostic but also prognostic. Those we are able to receive relief from their symptoms with the test, will almost always respond to treatment. The relief that comes from the testing is usually profound and lasts from minutes to days. We would like to say more about the dramatic changes that we see with the test but it would sound like we were making it up. For those of you who are interested you can go to and see sufferers who are tested at our seminars first hand. The test is not perfect, like anything, but for those who have “NEURO-MATRIX DYSFUNCTION” it almost always gives them relief in minutes. We are now usually able to temporarily remove the pulling of the Meninges, partially in minutes, relieving many of the symptoms of Fibromyalgia, RSD, Trigeminal Neuralgia, failed back surgeries and in rarer cases hearing loss visual problems, and severe knee problems. We believe relieving the symptoms proves this is where the problem originates and finally solves the mystery of suffering. If we can relieve the patient’s symptoms we can make a positive diagnosis of “Neuro-Matrix Dysfunction”. If we can make this positive diagnosis, we can usually alleviate the symptoms with treatment. As a disclaimer concerning some of these diseases: we realize that there may be other causes of diseases like RH, strokes, hearing problems and blindness, but with some of these cases it appears that the disease causes a “Neuro-Matrix Dysfunction” through a channel of intensity or trauma to the body from the condition, thus causing a “Neuro-Matrix Dysfunction” and increasing the symptoms of the condition significantly.

        • We are now teaching this test in the U.S. and many other countries around the world. We would like to describe the test here in more detail but it is impossible to explain without advance knowledge of anatomy and years of experience with palpation.

        • If you would like more information call 949-328-4980
        Why “Neuro-Matrix Dysfunction” and its Subset of Diseases Often Start with Trauma, Surgery, Stress, and Genetic Predisposition

        We believe the explanation is quite simple. The delicate relationship between the foramen magnum and the cervical spine is very often impacted by injuries involving the neck. The spinal cord and its covering, the Meninges, traverse gently through these structures with little room for error. In true “Neuro-Matrix Dysfunction”, as we have seen, the boney structures are displaced in such a fashion that it causes a pulling on the Meninges, affecting many of the spinal nerve roots that are attached to it. So trauma must inevitably be implicated as a starting place for this condition. We may have physical trauma, surgery, or even mental trauma involved, as well as genetic predisposition.

        1. Physical Trauma
        The Number One cause of “Neuro-Matrix Dysfunction” is trauma caused by auto accidents. So many people are left with Fibromyalgia—mild or severe—after auto accidents, that there can be little question of the connection.
        Foreman and Croft, in their book, “Acceleration / Deceleration of the Cervical Spine,” describe the effect of whiplash on the neck. We learn that a head, that weighs 10-14 pounds, can reach a pulling weight of 100-140 pounds in a 15 mph rear-end accident. If you happen to be rear ended by a semi truck going 5 mph this can be equal to being hit by a Volkswagen going 50 mph. If a car or truck is traveling at 35 or 50 mph, the pressure pulling back on your head and neck is as if you were on your back and someone dropped a 300 lb. weight attached to your neck by a strap. This impact only lasts for a fraction of a second, but 300 lbs. can do a lot of damage. This is precisely what happens in an auto collision; the head is thrown back and forth like this two or three times, snapping the neck severely, nearly always causing some irreversible damage that leads to long-term degeneration and in many cases leaves the victim with “NEURO-MATRIX DYSFUNCTION”.
        Now if we think of the head, heavy as it is, thrashing severely on the little bones of the neck, it is no wonder its normal resting position can be changed. This change produces a pulling on the Meninges—which we have seen attaches to the spinal nerve roots—triggering the misfiring of nerve signals that activate the condition we call ““Neuro-Matrix Dysfunction””.
        Since the cause of “Neuro-Matrix Dysfunction” has not been understood, the association with spinal stenosis created by subluxations (also misunderstood) and Meningeal pulling, has been overlooked. Yet our experience suggests that this is a very common cause of “Neuro-Matrix Dysfunction”. Since this underlying cause was not recognized during our schooling, the corrective techniques we are taught actually intensify the Subluxation, making “Neuro-Matrix Dysfunction” worse.
        Most Fibromyalgia and RSD patients can remember a trauma or surgery close to the initiation of their symptoms, though some may not. This is usually a car accident or a blow to the head. For example, we have treated injuries of prisoners of war in Vietnam who were hit in the neck with rifle butts; diving injuries in pools; auto accidents; falls; fights; surgeries; childbirth; etc. Other causes include injuries to the neck by way of hitting or whipping the head or neck.
        One patient who came to us with a severe case of Fibromyalgia was injured when he slammed on his brakes on the ice to keep from hitting a bus. He avoided a collision, but did hit dry pavement, which snapped his neck—without hitting the steering wheel—and from that time on suffered with Fibromyalgia until treated in our facility. There was no contact with the head and he was only traveling 25 mph.
        We are relatively fragile creatures who were not made to do some of the things we do, and eighteen million (estimate of Fibromyalgia suffers accepted by many) Americans will no doubt agree with us. Not to mention the one million two hundred thousand RSD patients and the countless failed surgery patients who didn’t have failed surgeries at all but have on going cycling pain from the insult to the neck during surgery.

        2. Surgery
        We have a good friend who is an anesthesiologist; and after having so many patients claiming their symptoms began after surgery, we sat down and did our best to discover what was happening that could be causing Fibromyalgia during or after surgery. He had no idea how it could be occurring. He told us of the great care and consideration that was taken in the surgical room by almost all of the people he knew. He explained how they supported the neck with foam supports, or sometimes an IV bag, and how gentle they were with the patients. Yet we have had many patients tell us they came out of surgery screaming in severe pain that never let up until treated in our office.
        This area needs much more research, which possibly may most effectively be done by a coordinated effort of chiropractors and anesthesiologists. But our initial thought was that when you sleep you have muscle tone, and if you are uncomfortable you roll over or move to adjust your position to relieve the pressure. When you are under anesthesia your muscles have no tone; they are flaccid with no control at all, and you can’t move if you need to. During this time we believe the neck vertebrae are compromised, literally pushing up against the Meninges. Whatever the cause may prove to be, we have seen too many cases of Fibromyalgia and RSD initiated or increased by surgery to be ignored—probably 40% of the patients we see.
        3. Mental Stress
        The connection between mental stress and spinal stenosis secondary to cervical alignment might seem to be a stretch, but we have had many people tell us that their Fibromyalgia started immediately after the death of a loved one, mental abuse, a divorce, or a variety of other stressful conditions. And having recognized the intimate relationship between cervical problems and FMS, it is fair to consider that stress can also be a factor. Though we are not exactly sure how this sort of movement can be caused by stress, we now believe it is. Our presumption is that since stress causes muscle tightness, it can ultimately bring about a shift in alignment. As you would expect, stress control is a very important part of our treatment protocol.

        4. Genetic Predisposition
        One more factor we must consider is genetic predisposition. Our primary focus on spinal stenosis and trauma seemed to preclude a relationship with genetic disposition. But our stance on this has changed after seeing far too many families with multiple Fibromyalgia sufferers. At present there seems to be a genetic weakness that allows certain families to develop FMS more easily than others. We believe it is likely due to the hereditary size and formation of the bones. We had a patient who had thirteen family members with Fibromyalgia. Much more research on this issue is needed.

  5. I am so sick now I have no belief or hope of getting well. I have a beautiful granddaughter who gives me the will, but not everyday. I am afraid I am going to die, but even more frightened that I wont and will continue to live like this even longer. I have been fighting this for 20 years and I am exhausted. I am also a VICTIM of having the audacity to take pain medication. I am treated like a criminal for being on them. Even pain specialists know how badly you hurt and they treat you like a criminal as well. Constant costly drug screening, making you bring your meds to count them and even on occasion, rolling their eyes at you in disbelief. Are you kidding me?? I wish they could live like I do just one day and then see how they treat you. I have spent thousands of dollars on treatment so you can understand my skepticism regarding your treatment. I pray for God to please help me everyday.

    • Hi Kellie
      I am so sorry for your pain and suffering. I understand having many times thought how wonderful death would be. I have watched hundreds of people get well and would love to have you come for treatment. We have a test that tells us on the first visit if you will respond ahead of time so you don’t waste your money. It relieves your pain in minutes and tells us what to do.
      Call me at 530-307-2398.

  6. Hi Dr Whitcomb. I’m a first time reader. It sounds like you also have fibromyalgia? If so have you taken the test? Can you post the results (discreetly) of those tests or maybe give some phone #s to some of your “newly happy” patients (with consent of course.) I have been tormented with fibro for 22 agonizing years. I have always said it comes from a neck injury that I had years before the onset of my fibro pain but doctor’s say there’s no proof of why we have it. We fibromites have been cheated in life in the worst way, some even taken advantage of in spite of it, so please forgive my skeptism. I long for the relief that you talk about but need to know of it’s accurateness. Big thanks for any reply.

    • Hi Linda. You can call me and I will discuss your case further. I can also give you some numbers to call. Better if I do not post them here. I do not have Fibromyalgia anymore.

      Call me at 530-307-2398


  7. greg permalink


  8. Lisa Finklea permalink

    What if fibro is not the only diagnosis? RA, OA, DDD, neuropathy, allodynia, vulvodynia, hypothyroidism, sleep apnea, heart palpitations (most likely POTS can’t afford the test), CFS, IBS, panic attacks, anxiety, PTSD. Does the treatment work then? I have multiple chronic pain and chronic fatigue related issues.

    • Most of what you are describing goes along with the what we call Neuro-Matrix dysfunction. Our test will ell us if you will mostl likely respond to treatment. It alleviates pain. Call me 530-307-2398

  9. I’ve been to the Mayo clinic for my Fibromyalgia/depression/chronic fatigue. Basically they treat you holistically with meditation, tai chi, breathing exercises, relaxation tapes, tylenol, mild to moderate exercise, moderation of activity, antidepressants, neurontin, antispasmotics and limit stress. I was an RN for 38 years in hospitals doing floor care. I’m unable to do that anymore. I felt like I was losing my mind with only 2 hours of sleep a night due to back spasms. Then I developed severe depression and anxiety and couldn’t stop crying and I also developed chronic fatigue. I’ve been doing everything they asked me to do, but I did before I went to the Mayo. I have not achieved any significant improvement. I lay down 3/4 of my day. Mornings are my only good time. I know I probably over do it then. I cook, exercise, clean with rest between activities. Afternoons I still sleep 1-2 hours and have to lay down due to the pain. Evenings are a wash…I always lay down due to fatigue as much as pain after napping 2 hours. I feel like I don’t have a life. I’ve been on the triad of meds (neurontin, seritoninin uptake med, and a muscle relaxer at bedtime). I haven’t been able to tolerate the meds due to sensativities. I’m feeling hopeless. I was wondering if you heard of alpha-stim Cranial Electotherapy stimulation. Do you feel like it was a help to those people who don’t tolerate meds? Also, have you ever heard of anyone who has severe sensory disorders with Fibro/CSS? I’ve lost 25 pounds despite my inactivity for the last year because food pretty much tastes terrible (like a dead mouse smells for lack of better description). I have the fibro rash, which keeps me up all night also. I am currently seeing a woman in Edina, MN who wrote books on Fibro. Seems as if EVERYONE has had the docs that treat them like they are crazy. (Mood distortions are a component in all honesty) I’ve got my horror stories too. Cognitive Behavior therapy has taught me to let go of the docs who are not educated. (aka:STUPID if it makes you feel better to say that). It’s been a long road for me. 2 years of pain, no sleep, and severe fatigue. I think of suicide every day. I know exactly how everyone feels when they say they are a shell of their former self. I used to jog 40 miles per week, work 12 hour shifts, rotor till the garden, shingle the roof, sheet rock, etc. NO MORE. I’m wishing for a fibro support group in MN close by? Is there one? I think isolation is a big part of our illness since we feel like no one understands what we are going through.

    • Fibromyalgia in my opinion is an encroachment on the spinal cord structures. I have a test that almost always relieves most to all of the pain in just a few minutes. If this happens your chances of getting well are great. You can call me and schedule a test at 530-307-2398


    • I had this myself and suffer in a like manner. Call me and I will get you to a Doctor who can help


  10. whatever permalink

    What hope ? Hmmm Being told Oh if only you would lose weight and exercise you will feel better . They don’t know jack about it . The meds are crap . The doctors don’t get it . It destroys your career family and quality of life .

  11. Nadia permalink

    I’m 37 leaving with fibromyalgia. It’s he’ll not knowing if I’ll be able to walk tomorrow or have the energy to get up..having some sort of pain everyday while trying to provide for my family working as a Flight attendant is more than challenging….A lot of times I wish I could just die!!!!

    • Sorry you are going through this. Almost impossible to work and have this affliction. Call me at 530-307-2398 and I will see if I can get you some help.

  12. Julie permalink

    I cant go on like this anymore. I dont want to live if this is how I must live.

  13. Saskia permalink

    Good day Dr Whitcomb. I have lived with this condition for 23 years and am putting in my resignation. Life with fibro is no life at all. Now whilst your treatment sounds promising and your enthusiasm for said treatment is refreshing, i am not able to contact you. But i was wondering if you could recommend any specialists elsewhere? Like South Africa for example? Because the doctors iv seen here seem to believe that this condition is imaginary.

    • Hi Saskia

      I don’t have anyone to treat you in South Africa. But if you come to America, I will treat you myself. I have availability for four months then I will retire. Suicide can not be reversed but FM usually can. Much better option.
      Sincerely Dr Whitcomb 530-307-2398

  14. iam in new Zealand and have severe fibromyalgia and nothing is helping the pain I feel like ending my life because of the pain. do you know anyone in new Zealand that could help me with what you do I am at my breaking point,thanks jenny kimber

  15. Mike Mallard permalink

    Dr.Whitcomb could you recommend in South Carolina who could help with meningal compression?

  16. Nicole permalink

    What if its to the point that the only meds that could work for are too expensive even with insurance giving up and turning to suicide is a whole lot easier. No doctor will prescribe me pain meds I have fibro along with arthritis in my back and degenerative disc disease. I don’t sleep at night due to pain I am told to exercise well that’s hard to do when you work full time and have nothing left after

  17. Jewels permalink

    I just want a Doctor in my area to help me with my Fibromyalgia. My old Doctor who treated me moved away. Now, I have a new pain doctor who doesn’t care at all. He tells me that if I can’t want injections (I’ve have injections 3 times and it made we worse) there is nothing he cares to do for me and just fills my monthy scripts, that workers comp has been paying for. I think if he cant make money off me with injections I am not worth his time. I spend everyday just laying on the couch. Never leave the house unless I have to. Please help me find a Fibromyalgia Doctor who will help me in the Buffalo, NY or Niagara Falls, NY area.

  18. Denay permalink

    I’m barely going to be 19 in a couple of weeks now but I’ve grown up with FM the doctors think since I was 2… my depression has been getting way too severe, I cannot hold down a job, my family doesn’t even seem like they like being around me anymore with my mood swings and I just genuinely don’t want to be alive anymore. I wake up everyday nauseated and in pain. I feel like I’ll never escape it. It scares me and it makes me feel so helpless at the same time. I’ve been trying medications and antidepressants, along with supplements for the last 5 years (antidepressants for only about 9 months to a year) but it’s like nothing seems to work. My FM is still severe, I can’t go to college, hold down a job, get up before noon, or sleep through the night. I’m sick of taking pills, and I’m tired of being tired. I don’t want to live anymore. I’m tired of Fibromyalgia.

    • I am so sorry for the way you suffer. I was like this once myself and understand. Please don’t hurt yourself. My condition lead me to help tens of thousands of people. Maybe you will find that your FM will be to others advantage one day. Trust God that he has a plan for you.
      You may go on my website and find the closest four doctors. Just put in your zip code and they will come up. Please write and let me know how your treatment goes. I will intervene if you have any problems.

      Dr Whitcomb

  19. Samantha Cravens permalink

    I am in a desperate place, I’ve attempted to take my life twice. Once when the muscle spasms got so sever I was in worse pain after waking up then when I went to sleep (average 4 hours) I delt with not being able to be with my children and play and be a real human person. But doc… I’m losing feeling in both my legs my doctor is just shoving Meds at me. They make me vomit and I never feel improvement. im losing all my friends because I can’t get past the exahstion. I’ve told my family I want to die I’m begging at this point. I’ve registered at free trials online support groups. My heart hurts and it hurts so much to exist. Please can you help me? Please? I would do anything to just not feel this way anymore. Please

    • So sorry for your suffering. Please go to Put in your zip code and find the closes dr. I should have one close by that I trained

      • SaMantha Cravens permalink

        I live in Gulfport ms 39503 that would be amazing. Please any help would be so great!

    • Dr. Jeff Brittain DC
      Address 3730 Kirby Dr.
      Suite 410
      Houston, TX 77098
      Phone 713-527-8844
      Country United States
      Distance 378.6 miles
      Map & Directions
      Contact Name Dr. Yafet Bekele, DC
      Address 30096
      Country United States
      Distance 379.7 miles
      Map & Directions
      Contact Name Dr. Jane Son, DC
      Address 1325 Satellite Blvd., Suite 601
      Suwanee, GA 30024
      Phone 770-817-3399
      Country United States
      Distance 384.4 miles

      These are the closest Drs I have trained
      Map & Directions
      Contact Name Dr. Dwaine Allison, D.C.
      Address 128 Holiday Ct., Suite 107
      Franklin, TN 37067
      Phone 615-790-2745
      Country United States
      Distance 399.6 miles
      Map & Directions

      • Joni permalink

        Mesa az?

      • I am so sorry for your suffering. I have Doctors trained all over the us and world wide. Go to and put in your zip code. If you have problems call me at 530-307-2398

        Dr Wwhitcomb

  20. Ebony Diaz permalink

    How do you help?
    I am getting worst everday and dont want to be a burden suicide is the one option.
    I am waiting for disability to be approved I am 52 yrs young.
    I won’t take narcotics and get injections in the joint..I have such depression and anxiety even 1/2 Xanex puts me to sleep.
    If I don’t knock myself out I don’t sleep..
    I have tried everything from western to eastern meds and supplements.
    Please help me..

    Thank you

  21. Deb permalink

    I can’t take this pain or accept this way of life anymore. The pain is debilitating and despite a whole drawer full of medicines not much works. At this moment in the height of my pain, I’m ready to check out.

    • Please go to Put in your zip code and find the closes dr. I should have one close by that I trained. Don’t loose hope. Tens of thousands have been helped

  22. Diana Blackwood permalink

    Boy i wish you were in Australia Dr because we are so far behind and im scared for my future . Im 49 have had FMS for 4yrs and have the strongest in pain meds on me right now and this is beginning to lose its effectiveness. Im truely afraid for the future.

    • Please go to Put in your zip code and find the closes dr. I should have one close by that I trained. Don’t loose hope. Tens of thousands have been helped

      • Maddy permalink

        Do you have trained any doctor in india
        so that i can get help I am 27 year old male and just doing my post diploma to do get job here people don’t know about this disease i am wearing it alone. I don’t know what to do i also sometimes think of suicide but i can’t leave alone my parents at this age and don’t want to be dependent on them also.

      • I am so sorry for your suffering. I have Doctors trained all over the world wide. Go to and put in your zip code. If you have problems call me at 530-307-2398

        Dr Wwhitcomb

  23. Shelly Barnes permalink

    Can you please write to me too. I love my family so much, but this pain can’t keep going on. I am falling apart here. I’m a very happy person, but this pain is too blinding now and doctors keep writing me off too. I just don’t know what to do anymore. I am losing hope.

    • I am so sorry for your suffering. I have Doctors trained all over the us and world wide. Go to and put in your zip code. If you have problems call me at 530-307-2398

      Dr Wwhitcomb

  24. Ashlie permalink

    I’m so tired of it. I told friends I am tired of it all & ready to give up. No one listened. I fly so low under the radar w friends & family… They don’t notice me anyway. So what difference does it make? The depression side has been well controlled for years, and now that “I” need help, they blow it off as wanting attention or being a drama queen. Not to mention those that say it’s all fake since they can’t see it. I have PCOS, fibro, RA, have had thyroidectomy due to Graves and malignant cancer, and neuro is leaning towards MS. I am completely convinced that my body hates itself. So many autoimmune diseases. Tired of trying to juggle spoons. It’s just too hard. I struggle for my son but scared of when I can no longer support us. The parts of my body that isn’t affected by fibro pain is numb or tingling w reduced sensation. The hands & feet are the worst. They haven gotten rather stupid on me. Just not seeing the light at the end of the tunnel & tired of fighting.

    • I am so sorry for your suffering. I have Doctors trained all over the us and world wide. Go to and put in your zip code. If you have problems call me at 530-307-2398

      Dr Wwhitcomb

  25. Christina Baldivino permalink

    I’m at the end of my rope. Again. It’s days like today that remind me why I do not own a firearm. Dr. Whitcomb If you can help me in located in 98002 zip code.

    • these are the closest Doctors to you that I have trained or one of my staff. Hope this helps

      Contact Name Dr. Richard Waling, DC
      Address 8909 Gravelly Lake Drive SW
      Lakewood, WA 98499
      Phone 253-584-1144
      Country United States
      Distance 16.7 miles
      Map & Directions
      Contact Name Dr. John Helton, DC
      Address 4615 S.E. Woodstock Blvd.
      Portland, OR 97206
      Phone 503-771-1974
      Country United States
      Distance 128.0 miles
      Map & Directions
      Contact Name Dr. Allen Knecht, DC
      Address 5331 SW Macadam Avenue, Suite 307
      Portland, OR 97239
      Phone 503-226-8010
      Country United States
      Distance 128.1 miles
      Map & Directions
      Contact Name Dr. Kevin Bond
      Address 8606 N. Wall, Suite 200
      Spokane, WA 99218
      Phone 509-489-1544
      Country United States
      Distance 226.7 miles
      Map & Directions

      • Christina Baldivino permalink

        Hi Dr Whitcomb, I wrote that comment t just before I called and spoke to you that day. I called the Lakewood one las week because it’s closest to me but he’s no longer there. There was a Naturopath/Chiro in his place that treats fibro so going to go there for now. I have been looking for a Naturopath who takes my insurance and he does. The other doc’s listed for the northwest are at least 6 hours away in Washington or in Oregon.

  26. kemwaldrop permalink

    I read this and cry. I’ve hurt for so long but there’s no help. When I do go to the dr for help I’m treated as if I just want drugs. There is no relief, no help, no one cares. Dying would be a welcomed relief. Each dr says they don’t know why I hurt, why I have memory problems so bad at times I have to keep a notebook to remember stuff. Nor do they know why I’m so tired, can’t sleep, I’m 45 and feel like I’m 99. I am so stiff trying to move after a car ride or sleeping I can’t walk. Yes, I think about death, I’ve reached out for help many times, many dr’s (but they think you’re just dr shopping for drugs) so I never ask for drugs. Each one says they don’t know. I’m tired, I’m to the point pain is too much to handle any more.

    • so sorry for your suffering. I have seen hundreds of people like you get well. I have over one thousand Doctors trained to help. Go to NRC.MD and put in your zip code and the four closest Doctors will show and go to one and get tested. Tell them I told you the first visit is free.
      Then write me and tell me how it went.

      Dr Paul

  27. linda m davis permalink

    Please please please, help me end this . You state that [ But please, don’t let something so easily corrected take your life. } I want to die everyday, every single day. I have to find a provider that can help me.

    • linda m davis permalink

      Any providers that can help me with my fibromyalgia. Davie , Florida, 33328

  28. N/a permalink

    Well, when your rheumatologist tells you that planet fitness is only 10 dollars a month! Maybe I should just work out! How can a person not feel defeated! I work and hurt. Too bad, its probably all in my head! Not a big enuf money maker for the doctor! Come back in 6 or 7 months! Ok, in other words, don’t bother me anymore with Your problem. And stay positive? No thanks!

    • I am so sorry that so many Doctors have to cover their lack of knowledge with insults, making you a malingerer. I would like to see all of my FM patients work out, but the truth is it usually makes them sick. No upper body workout. You can ride a stationary bike if it does not put you into a flair up. Or, you can walk. I have a thousand Doctors who have been trained to correct FM. Go to the website and put in your zip code and find the closest 4 Doctors. Now you have the ability to do something about it. Go do it. NRC.MD

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