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Dr Whitcomb, Light Case of Meningeal Compression and Fibromyalgia

December 27, 2012

Light Case of Meningeal Compression and Fibromyalgia


  The difference between a mild and a severe case of Meningeal Compression and Fibromyalgia is fractional to us as medical practitioners—just a few millimeters of movement in the neck. But to the person who owns that neck it can be life changing. Often the light case can be more devastating than a severe case. The severe case is very obvious and will be attended to, but a light case is often missed completely.

Let’s look at the light case sufferers. They will sleep poorly, often suffer from idiopathic depression (depression of unknown origin), be irritable for no reason, sometimes antisocial, may have light stomach problems, and may be jumpy. These people may be the ones who end up in therapy trying to find out why they feel so bad inside. Perhaps they will turn to drinking to feel better temporarily. How will this affect their lives, their marriages, their promotions, or their friendships?

Often they end up on antidepressants and sleeping pills, and develop poor self-esteem. If you look around, you probably know a few of these people. Maybe they are relatives or work acquaintances. They may not have the outgoing friendly personality of most people. You will notice them because they are often loners. One day they bite your head off and the next they are friendly.

These people are much less likely to get help, because neither they nor their doctor will make the diagnosis of Fibromyalgia. They will not have the typical pain patterns of FMS and are apt to be sent for counseling, or medicated, and regarded as just another person who doesn’t deal well with life. Light case sufferers are very likely to go into a full-blown case of FMS following trauma such as surgery, or even a minor auto accident. Yet they respond very well to treatment, and in less time than the more severe cases.

Like wise the light case of RSD will report with a surgery that didn’t work and they still have pain after the third or more surgeries, or maybe just one, but they have on going pain that didn’t resolve after a surgery that was done properly. These patients are suffering from a cycling pain that is brought on by Meningeal Compression caused by the surgery and the pain is relieved at the time of the Meningeal Relief Test. It is easy to see if these patients are truly Meningeal Compression patients, as they respond to the test.

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